How Salvator works

Setting up Salvator is quick and easy

Once you have received your Salvator device, you are ready to get connected with those family members, friends or neighbours that you would like to receive your personal safety alerts. This is done via the free Salvator smartphone app. You’ll find the step-by-step instructions for setting up your Salvator device below.

Before you begin: Some important things to know

Before you start setting up your device, please read these notes carefully to ensure you are using your Salvator effectively.

Notify your Salvator contacts before you connect

It’s important to notify all family members, friends or neighbours that you plan to add as a Salvator Savior before they receive an official request notification via the app.


This will ensure that they are aware your Savior request is not a spam message, and that any Salvator message received from an agreed point in time should be taken seriously and acted upon according to your agreed action plan.


For example, your initial email or correspondence with your intended Salvator Saviors might say something like this: as at 6pm tonight, should you receive a message from me through Salvator, please CALL the police; ACT by taking appropriate action, such as making a noise if you are close by; OBSERVE the situation and take photos if you are able to safely, and collect any relevant details that may be useful to the authorities. Do not intervene unless safe to do so.

Setting up your device’s Alert buttons

Your Salvator device has four (4) Alert buttons. Two on the top of the device and two on the bottom.


These can be set up for different message configurations. In our set up guide we suggest the two top buttons carry the same emergency message. However, they can each be set up to notify specific groups depending on your preferences. These two top buttons are the easiest to trigger if the device is discreetly hidden in your pocket, purse or bag.

Customising your Alert buttons

Buttons three and four (the buttons on the bottom of the device) can be set up with a different message or messages. This might be a more specific message tailored to a particular person or group, or based on a particular situation.


For example, you might make button three a particular call to action to close friends should you have a personal need, such as domestic support. Alternatively, you might set it to alert family members of safety concerns in a situation where using normal communication devices may not be available or safe to use, including such things as simply notifying a loved one waiting “can’t call I am ok please locate me” This maybe button 4 and is used if the phone goes flat, vehicle breaks down and it is not safe to leave the vehicle, missed scheduled transport, in an unfamiliar area.


These buttons may also be set to send specific messages related to agreed action plans in a situation where the use of a mobile phone, or any type of communication, may increase tensions. For instance, in the event of a tense domestic situation where reaching out may cause further tension or situation escalation. This message may be set to a select group of friends that reads: “code red, initiate our action plan NOW.” The agreed action plan for this message might be; “please alert authorities, attend to observe or extract in a safe manner.”


In this situation, early intervention that has a pre-agreed strategy could avert a tragic outcome through a safe, planned extraction of a person or persons from the domestic situation. Meanwhile, the notification of support services and official responders to the incident can be quickly set in place, well before a violent escalation.

Personal and specific customisation options

The buttons on your Salvator device can also be customised to carry more personal messages for the attention of particular family members or friends in case of an unexpected or specific need.


For example, button four on your device might send a message like this: “phone battery flat, please initiate the locate function and action plan.”


Alternatively, you might set up button four on your device to be a direct link to roadside assistance, or public transport assistance, such as security.

Setting up your Salvator: Step by step

Register your device via the Salvator app.

Once you have received your device or devices, simply register it via the Salvator smartphone app available on the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

Pair your device with the Salvator app.

With the Salvator app open on your smartphone, scan the QR code on your device or devices. If your device does not pair automatically, you’ll find instructions for pairing it manually here. Find out more about using QR codes here.

Add your saviors.

Select the ‘add saviors’ link on the Salvator app. You can then select family and friends you would like to add as a savior from your phone’s contact list. Remember to press ‘add’. (Contacts you select will receive a savior request message automatically. They will have the option to opt-out if they choose. The app will inform you if this is the case.)

Your Salvator is now set up and ready to use.

Customise your alert buttons.

Each of the four alert buttons on your Salvator device is pre-programmed with a standard message. You can change each of these messages to suit your needs (the before you begin section above explains more).

Things to Note

How to stop a mistaken activation. If your device is activated by mistake, simply open the Salvator app and press the cancel button to stop the SOS process.

What happens when an alert is sent?

Once an alert has been sent, your pre-defined saviors will receive an auto-generated call, text message and push notification on their smartphones with your live location information.


Important note:

When the device has been activated, you as the activator will receive a text message to inform you that an alert has been executed. The primary reason for this message is to help relieve anxiety and instil confidence that help is forthcoming. If your phone has been removed, it can provide a useful distraction, as well as deterrent.